This is the question we asked ourselves a couple of years ago when we fell in-love with the very first lavender farm we visited. Obviously we had no idea what we were getting into and we can't give you a bullet point to do list, because is all comes down to one ancient secret.
By spring 2020, we had our farm for over fifteen years and both Mike and I; Sandra, had been full time teachers for a long time! Since purchasing the farm, our goal was to start a small family run business. Something besides teaching, something to make the farm a more beautiful place we could be proud to share with others and at the same time, make the farm "self sufficient".

Honestly, we never thought: "Let's start a lavender farm, sell a lot of lavender flowers and retire from teaching" LOL. The truth is we love our jobs despite all the turmoil they bring at times. Teaching gives us a purpose, inspiration and motivation to always keep learning! But back to farming... Many years, and all the hustle and bustle, we never made the time to think about our plans. That process finally came during Covid lockdowns, where we stayed home and taught remotely. We had the opportunity to reflect on ourselves, our experiences and this beautiful place we are lucky to call home. Our hope was/is that by by the time we can retire, we will have a small business that is manageable, enjoyable and will help us stay connected within our community. The other thing we envision is how it can be a creative outlet which keeps us active and motivated in our own lives. That was the vision, but we didn't know "what" to do exactly until July 21, of 2020. We do remember that date well because it was our 20th wedding anniversary and Wayward Lavender Field was one of the few outdoor spaces people were permitted to visit during the lockdown. It was right there where Mike brought up the idea, I laughed for a moment, but then I realized he was serious! Without further ado, we started doing what teachers often do! We read and read to learn as much as we could, took some online courses and interviewed farmers to see if this was a feasible idea. The more we learned, the more confident we were in this dream of starting a lavender farm .
So there it is! That was OUR DREAM back in 2020 and now it is our reality. That ancient secret? It is to DREAM, Plan and don't be afraid of working hard, very hard for whatever you want to achieve.
Like anything else in life, if is very important to stop and reflect not only on the what -is your dream, but why is it your dream, and how you will achieve it. Hobby farming is not an easy job, it is beautiful and idilic, yes, but is not easy.
If you have read thus far, thank you! That means most likely you are a family member, a friend, or a soon to be one... Our goal at Willamette Valley Lavender is to share our country living experiences, particularly related to our artisan lavender operations and garden projects . We appreciate your support by subscribing to this blog, following us on Instagram, visiting the farm when collecting your order or simply stopping by to say hello at any of our events. Until then, adiós and Gracias!
