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Keeping Your Lavender Thriving Through Summer

Writer's picture: WVLWVL

The vibrant purple blooms and fragrant foliage of lavender are a staple in many gardens. But intense heat and sun can cause lavender plants to struggle in the summer if not properly cared for. Use these tips to keep your lavender thriving even during the dog days of summer.

Our adorable nephew enjoying lavender season on our farm!

Choose the Right Location

Lavender thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. For optimal growth, plant it in a spot that gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. The soil should be sandy or gravelly to allow excess water to drain away from the roots, preventing rot. If you have heavy clay soil, mix in gravel or sand to improve drainage.

Water Thoroughly But Infrequently

Lavender is adapted to dry conditions and should never sit in wet soil. However, it still needs adequate moisture, especially in summer. Water thoroughly once a week or when the soil is completely dry 2-3 inches below the surface. Always water at the base of the plant to keep the foliage dry and prevent disease.

Let Those Blooms Shine

Allow lavender flowers to bloom throughout the summer months. The blooms will attract pollinators like bees and butterflies to your garden. You can also cut some blooms to display in floral arrangements or dry them for various crafts and culinary uses. Note that only Angustifolia Lavender (English Lavender) flowers are edible and suitable for teas, baked goods, and more.

Prune at the Right Time

Hold off on pruning lavender until late summer or early fall, after all the blooms have faded. This allows the plants to complete their full flowering cycle. Then prune lavender bushes into a dome shape to promote healthy growth. Remove spent blooms and snip back leggy stems above leaf sets. Proper annual pruning keeps lavender looking its best.

Watch for Common Pests and Diseases

Lavender is fairly resistant to issues when grown in the proper conditions. But watch for signs of problems like root rot, fungal leaf spot, and pests. Catch issues early and remove affected parts. Improving air circulation and watering correctly can prevent most problems.

With attention to its location, water, and pruning needs, lavender can thrive even in summer's intense heat and sun. If plants struggle, assess the site and care regimen and make adjustments. With its incredible fragrance and color, lavender is worth the effort to keep happy plants all season.

If you’re looking for more lavender gardening tips or want to add more plants to your own garden, visit We offer a wide selection of lavender varieties suited to our local climate. Enjoy the weather, stay cool, and stop by some of these fun summer events and say “hello.”


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